Total Women's Care provides OBGYN care for residents of Houston, TX. Run by Dr. Vonne Jones, our team can help with health concerns like pregnancy and provide care to help you thrive. If you've never been pregnant before but think you might be now, it's important to check out the following signs to plan your next visit with us ASAP.


 Are you cramping or "spotting" (i.e., bleeding slightly, almost like a light period) and aren't sure why? There's a chance you might be pregnant. Pay close attention to the blood (it may be pink or brown) and whether it comes with mild pain or cramping. It could last a few hours or a few days, so keep track of this symptom to ensure that you don't suffer needlessly.

Extreme Temperature Changes

 Do you experience excessive temperature changes, such as feeling cool one minute and hot the next? Hot flashes are common in women a) going through menopause and b) who are pregnant. However, hormonal changes can cause these types of problems in all women, so get tested before assuming you're pregnant.

Missed Periods 

 One of the most obvious signs that you're pregnant is a missed period. Women can miss periods for various reasons, such as stress. However, missing multiple periods is a clear indicator that you're probably pregnant. Take an over-the-counter test and then come to our facility to get the support that you need to plan your birth cycle.

Bodily Changes 

 Total Women's Care with Dr. Jones can help you track any bodily changes that might occur during your pregnancy in Houston, TX. For example, you might run a high temperature, feel extremely fatigued, experience a racing heart, and even feel bloated or nauseous. Some women even have high blood pressure, so track these symptoms carefully.

Other Unusual Changes 

 Pay close attention to problems like tender and swollen breasts. Often, this indicates a potential pregnancy They may also get bumpy or darker around the areola (circles around the nipple). Beyond breast changes, you might experience differences in your cervical mucus and increased urination needs. Mood swings, heartburn, and even morning sickness may also occur.

Get the Care You Need 

 At Total Women's Care in Houston, TX, Dr. Jones can help you gauge the help you need. Call our team at 346-320-3188 to set up your appointment. Dr. Jones will guide you through this process as smoothly as possible to keep you safe.


Hours of Operation

Monday, Wednesday

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday, Thursday

8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Friday - Sunday


Monday, Wednesday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday, Thursday
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday - Sunday